- Perspective - What are the chances we're normal?
- $50,000 per day? - Spend $50 a day and live well. That's normal for the wealthy.
- What comes first? - Finding the good path.
- Fruit to Nuts - How wealth disconnects you from regular folks.
- The Grocery Bill - There's a thrifty plan ... and there's reality.
- Per Person Per Day - what's normal?
- Why the Difference? - Q&A
- Christian Capitalism - The core values of a Christian? Of a capitalist?
- Christian Charity - Food? Or Justice.
- Christian Clarity - If you muzzle the ox that grinds the grain, is it eligible for food stamps? That's the Walmart solution.
- Government in the course of human events - today's play for power
Friends on the far side of the world give us a priceless perspective. Want to learn more than your college offers? |
- Why we think fancier is better - the science of snobbery
- What you can see and what you can't - how wealth obscures vision
- Everything we are and have is at stake - welcome to the 21st century
- Time passes - The arc of history bends toward delusion. Every hegemon thinks it is the last; all ages believe they will endure forever. In reality, of course, states rise, fall, and compete with one another along the way. And how they do so determines the world’s fate.