Saturday, January 14, 2017

Classroom Exercise

Take a look at the graphic all the way to the end, then 
read the comments that were posted in response.

(Name removed) ·
New Caney, Texas

Nobody in the back row worked to get there. Not one.
LikeReplyMar 19, 2016 12:38am

(Name removed) ·
Works at Pikey

He should have added that the students at the back of the class could have always aske to be moved to the front, but they chose not to. Someone taking advantage of things you don't is not "privilage", it is laziness on your part. THe students in the front row are not responsible for anyone but themselves, just like the students at the back. The only thing being taught here is blame shifting and laziness.
LikeReplyMar 16, 2016 7:44pm

(Name removed) ·

I love my White Male privilege.   The Privilege to be assumed a racist because of the color of my skin. The Privilge to be assumed to be sexist because I'm a male. The Privilege to accumulate tens of thousands in student loan debt because they gave the scholarships to lesser performing minorities based on the color of their skin or "heritage". The Privilege of being passed over on jobs because they need to fill quotas of women and minorities. The Privilege of funding all the welfare programs for poor people who aren't willing to work to better their situation, but would kill me if I walked down their street.

AND my Privilege to be blamed for everything that has ever gone wrong in the history of humankind because I'm a white male who broke out of my own poverty ridden childhood to become a successful member of society.
LikeReplyMar 16, 2016 12:32pm

My own thoughts on the subject:

It's perhaps worth noting that conservatives often blame the behavior of the poor for their poverty citing drugs and alcohol, gangs and crime, and the 'sinful choices' folks make. Liberals often blame the rich for exploitation of the workforce, of resources, and their influence on government policies. Who's right and who's wrong? Both.
Poverty is complex with interrelated and unrelated causes. Society's responsibility is just to do their part. There's much that can be done to make a lasting difference. The first step is perhaps noticing that there's a problem, that inequality is systemic and deadly.


And of course this one caught my attention:

(Name removed) ·
University of Houston–Clear Lake

The students chose their seating. Much like people choose their plight in life. You want a handout and do not work to better yourself, then you have chosen to sit in the back.
LikeReplyMar 16, 2016 9:19am

How many ways can we duck the obvious message and its' association with today's reality?  While one might choose a seat in the classroom for a variety of reasons, I doubt any would choose poverty or deprivation for their families. I doubt that any would choose to live in a dangerous neighborhood where their children are exposed daily to violence and the drug culture. 
Having worked in several countries and circumstances, it appears that in general, the poor work harder than most, try harder than most, and are continually struggling for a way up and out for themselves and their children. Some made bad choices, of course, as is true of each of us and all economic groups without exception. The difference is the number and degree of impediments an individual faces as they attempt to improve.
As a general rule, poverty is not a choice; it's done to you.
And perhaps the most insightful comment ...
❤   (Name removed)
           ·Clifton, New Jersey
     You know, as someone that grew up in the suburbs to white parents (white step dad, but essentially my dad). I played sports and instruments and went to an amazing school where they knew my parent's first names w/o having to check my file.                                                                  I rebelled at 14 and decided to live with my black bio dad in, let's face it, the hood. I was suddenly surrounded by drugs and gangs and thieves, and girls that wanted to fight me for no reason.  My English teacher, most notably, was so amazed that I could read without help, as every other kid stuttered and stumbled over the simplest words when we were reading out loud. This is in HIGH SCHOOL.  These kids in the ghetto aren't taught that they can compete against white kids, they're taught that school isn't important and all they need to learn is survival in the jungle.       I know most people don't get a taste of both worlds, so maybe they don't understand, but going from a white school where they told me I could be president, or a rocket scientist, or whatever I wanted, to a school where they're like "omg you can READ", I truly understand how so few people can actually make it out of the hood. Their only role models are drug dealers and basketball players. I watched all my white friends prepare for college worrying about AP classes and SATs while my black friends were smoking weed and skipping class. You couldn't understand if you haven't seen it firsthand.                                                          I know this is long-winded but so many people truly don't understand how much harder it really is for people to make it out of an underprivileged situation.  I went from a straight A over achiever to a drop-out within a year of being in the hood because I couldn't take the violence, the feelings of hopelessness, and the harassment for "sounding too white" and having long hair.  It's not as easy as some might believe.       Like · Reply · 449 · Nov 22, 2014 2:37pm