We must stand in truth with strength and a clear voice. Choices we make (or that the rulers of nations make) are either good or evil. Precious people live or die based on our actions. They are helped or harmed, enabled or oppressed, lifted up or pushed down.
Every selfish choice has a price. Every prejudice, every judgement of another, every alliance violated, every hubris, every arrogance, every virtue abandoned, every promise forgotten, every lie, every slander, every hatred, every bitterness, and every time we turn away ... has a price.
The real enemy attempts to mold us all in his image. "Compete! Conquer! Dominate! Win at any cost!" It's a compelling path that sheds humanity along the way.
Equip yourself, then, with truth, virtue, and a willingness to engage. Carry with you your confidence in Him whom you serve and the truth he speaks through you.
Every word we speak to our children,
Every encounter at work,
Every gesture, every expression ...
Every decision, transaction, and choice we make ...
May each one shine with the light of Him who sent us here.