- Life begins at delivery - Cecile Richards tells of her own abortion; the CEO of Planned Parenthood said, "I'm a mother of three children. For me, life began when I delivered them... But that's my own personal decision, right?"
- What Roe v. Wade didn't say ... The Supreme Court did not say abortion was a constitutional right. Or that it was moral or just.
- When abortion suddenly stopped making sense - Roe v. Wade - Abortion Won the Day, but Sooner or Later That Day Will End — by Frederica Mathewes-Green, author of Real Choices: Listening to Women; Looking for Alternatives to Abortion.
- Crossing the Line - Rules are made to be broken?
- Life, Abortion, and Conscience - How does one face the issues objectively?

- There's more to the story, but not less - Not all the facts in the Planned Parenthood case are in and available yet. Some facts, however are established. There will be more, but not less. On both sides, simplistic misstatements to influence public opinion are dishonest, propagandizing.
- Behind the scenes - video released 29 Mar 17
- The Walkout - "I'm alive today because a stranger refused to be silent."
- Face it or Forfeit - we must own the reality we have approved or forfeit the moral high ground.
- Great Heart - Can a child have a great heart?