Monday, October 22, 2012

IMPACT! Got a target?

  A teen looking for the meaning of life told me, 
"I'm going to spend my life on something; it might as well be something that makes a difference."  

A noble thought that deserves a workable plan!
Just for fun, here's a super-quick walk-through to seeing and hitting your target.
It's an informal 'personal mission statement' sort of exercise.

  • On paper, scribble answers for the questions below.  
  • Quickly write the first thing you think of. No editing.
  • Give 30 seconds for each, and chuckle as you write.

Fun Life Questions:

1. What makes you smile? (Activities, people, events, hobbies...)
2. What were your favorite things to do in the past? And now?
3. What makes you lose track of time?
4. What makes you feel great about yourself?
5. Who inspires you? (Family members, friends, authors, artists, leaders, heroes, etc.) Why?
6. What are you good at? (Skills, abilities, gifts etc.)
7. What do people typically ask you for help with?
8. What are your top 3 values?  Examples (right):
9. What are some challenges, difficulties and hardships you’ve overcome? How?
10. If you could get a message across, what would it be?

And now, my life's goals:

“Writing or reviewing a mission statement changes you because it forces you to think through your priorities deeply, carefully, and to align your behaviour with your beliefs”   ~Stephen Covey

From the questions above:
  • What do I want to do?
  • Who do I want to affect?
  • What is the result I hope for? 
Now if you like, you can see a life plan with goals.
  • From your answers, notice the actions; for example, teach, help, change, educate, accomplish, empower, rebuild, encourage, give, master, equip, organize, produce, promote, travel, spread, support, provide, understand, write... 
  • You can see who and what you believe you can help; e.g., people, creatures, organizations, causes, groups, environment, etc. 
  • In a sentence or two, you might describe your goals. How will the ‘who’ from your above answer benefit from what you ‘do’? 
You can reshape it on purpose, of course. And over the years, it will perhaps need to be adjusted a bit. Absent a plan, though, what progress might you expect?

You can be herded along by others, or you can pick your own path.

Target identified. Fire for effect.