Sunday, August 30, 2015

In the Morning ...

In the morning, our brain springs into action and quickly fills with the stuff we expect to face in the day.  We rummage through all that must be done, figuring out details, trying to set some priorities and make our mental lists.  Why would anyone suggest that we begin the day in prayer when there's so much to be done?

Perhaps they've discovered something?

Perhaps a mind refreshed and reminded about things that truly matter, about values that can lift us up above the furor ... perhaps that's a better place to begin the day.  It will certainly affect the shape of things at the end.

Give ear to my words O Lord
Consider my meditation
An old fortress on a misty morning in western Africa.  A great place to sit and think a bit before
running off to work and school.  Remembering what's important as opposed to just urgent,
well it's not easy, but it is the difference between productive and just busy.
Harken unto the voice of my cry
My King and my God
For unto Thee will I pray
My voice shalt Thou hear
In the morning
O Lord in the morning
Will I direct my prayer
Unto Thee and will look up