Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Christian Charity

Feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, take care of widows and orphans ...
Of course.  Absolutely.  But there's more ... 
So he found this fellow, robbed and beaten, and
he bandaged him up and took him to an inn where
he could be helped while he recovered.  He gave
the innkeeper money to pay for the it all and
told him he'd cover anything more needed
when he returned.

(There were a couple others who could have helped,
but they were on the wrong side of the road.)

Help them get on their feet and have a good life. It's not a quick gift, it's a hand up to life that costs a bit of effort on our part. 

Okay, so that's charity.

Then the question of poverty; so how does someone get stuck there long-term? The great majority of the world's poor are working hard to get out of poverty, harder than western wage earners can perhaps understand.   Persistent poverty is not caused by unwillingness to work.

The issue of poverty is not one of charity, but of justice. Poverty isn't something you choose for your family, year after year, generation after generation.  It's done to you, and it is unjust.  Justice requires change, not charity.
Christian capitalism, a word to corporate leaders:  "Don't do anything from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility consider others before yourself. Look out not only for your own interests, but also for the interests of others."  Such consideration is a rarity in big business today, it seems.  It doesn't show up in the typical corporate performance analysis.

Relieve the oppressed, the poor held down by their neighbours that are richer and mightier than they.  Right their wrongs, and snatch them out of the hands of the Waltons, et al.
Defend the weak, the poor, and the fatherless. Maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.
Among the tasks we're given  ... the good of others, of all.