Sunday, October 1, 2017

The Courage of Conviction

The problem with having a conscience is that there's a price.

A sixth-grader found an article in the library about cruelty to animals. She studied it through, how animals were treated by the food industry, how they were bred and raised for the slaughterhouse.  It troubled her; soon she made a choice and became a vegetarian.  There was a price.

She walked her path alone, mostly, with no such awareness among her friends.  She was teased regularly for her choice.  She became stronger as the days and years passed.  There were many choices about life and purpose that followed, every issue and personal value, each affected by conscience and courage.  As an adult now, her life reflects an unusual depth and breadth of character and conviction.  A healthy conscience will affect life-actions every day.  As it should, of course. Every day.

Opinions and anger are common in conversation, but thoughtful life-change based on conscience is perhaps less so.  If you live according to personal convictions, it will include personal sacrifice.  Your life must change rather regularly, and the common pathway is not an option.

The world around us has changed over the years and without much thought, just humankind following appetites and desire for personal gain.  It's been doing that since the earliest times.  Most of us and our children have been carried along by change whether we noticed or not.

If, however, we choose to live guided by conscience, we'll find some interesting upheavals along the way to freedom.
- Clinging to wealth and luxury will change, perhaps to generosity and simplicity.
- Our focus on us (our in-crowd or race, our party or country) will expand to see more, perhaps all of humanity.
- Judging others will change to self-awareness, a real world-view, as justice rises above prejudice and preference.
- Oh, and learning will blossom, often fed by folks with opinions different than ours.
- There will be less anger and more laughing, more joy and fewer regrets.

If anything about our life looks normal, perhaps it could benefit from another look.
Dear Lord and Father of mankind,
Forgive our foolish ways!
Reclothe us in our rightful mind,
In purer lives Thy service find,
In deeper reverence, praise.

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