Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Reality vs. Rhetoric

The president admitted he hates taking in refugees. "I guarantee you they are bad." He added, "They are not going to be wonderful people who go on to work for the local milk people."

Actually, refugees are a benefit to America.  report released in April this year suggests that the dire warnings about those who seek asylum in the United States may be unfounded. In fact, the report indicates, they're helping make America great.  They fill in the gaps in the work force, they get educated, pay taxes, buy homes, make progress, and become part of the American way.  In 2015, for example, refugee income nationwide totaled $77.2 billion and refugees paid $20 billion in taxes, according to the report. 

While vetting all incoming foreign nationals is appropriate, discrimination by race or origin in general has no supportable rationale.  Is racism involved in the decision making we seen?  Of course.  Is there unfounded prejudice?  Absolutely.  "Rapists" from "sh**hole countries", "they're not sending us their best."  Many among us think similarly, unfortunately.

"The US has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems. Thank you. It's true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. .... They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." Objective review and analysis suggest the statement is inaccurate.

These are folks fleeing for their lives; they're not sent by Mexico or anyone else.  Refugee admission limits have been reduced to their lowest level in thirty years.  Families and children are caught in the turmoil.   Is this our best national response, one of conscience and reason?

Photojournalist Steve McCurry commented , "In seeing this current global refugee crisis, it's almost like people in Europe and the US are scared of refugees. Or they simply don't want the burden of hosting them. But we forget none are actually more scared than the refugees themselves. They are forced from their country, their homes."

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