Wednesday, October 3, 2018

What kind of world are we leaving our children?

Our preferred idea of safety -- safe community, schools, streets, and acquaintances -- is naïve and out of date.  None of those venues are as they were when our traditional American views were formed and shared.

While we might temporarily shelter our children from the world, we must equip them for reality.  They need to be armed for the day when they will face a difficult life in a difficult culture.  They will have to understand the battle or be swallowed up in it.

By their teen years, most have been bullied in school or attacked on social media. Most have been exposed to sexually explicit material. Most have learned sensual behaviors from popular standards of dress, expression, posture, and verbiage.  Most have been inculcated with prejudicial thinking and are unaware of their bias. Most have consumed hundreds of thousands of advertisements before they had the ability to distinguish between information and persuasion. It never occurs to them to ask why cute dogs are driving that car or why the skimpy bikini is on the cover of that sports magazine. They unquestioningly absorb facts and opinions from experience and their peers.

How will they know the difference between principle and privilege or the difference between enough and a hundred times enough?

For children, there are two important worlds -- the one that sweeps them along and the one they can discover, but only if they see clearly. 

Bring up your children in God's ways.  Teach them His truth and the brutal battle that surrounds it.  No other task is more important if they are to see clearly.

The alternative is Living life wrong ...

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