Wednesday, October 9, 2019

It's worth remembering, Jesus didn't suggest his followers choose between the ruling parties of their day.

   We're fed a constant stream, not of simple truth, but of someone's preferred interpretation. And it needn't be factual, apparently.
   If we accept it, we dull our own heart. If we join in and play along, we perhaps corrupt our own understanding along with that of others.
   And the most difficult issue, I suspect ... if we give our loyalty to either side, we find ourselves approving of things our Father warned us against. It's worth remembering, Jesus didn't suggest his followers choose between the ruling parties of their day. Both the Pharisees and the Sadducees were a blight on their culture.
   So how do we see the truth with some measure of objectivity, some measure of clarity? And how do we choose our own path? Is there a downside if we do nothing?

   It's perhaps time to take a deep breath and remember the goal of a united people, a virtuous nation, and principled governance.  Now perhaps, remind your friends as well.