Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Threshold for Participation

A poor person in the U.S. is richer than half of the folks in the world.  True or not?
Because there's more to the question, perhaps not actually true.

The more complex the economy, the more it costs you to live in it.  That cost is the threshold for participation and the cutoff for survival.

The conservative view here is that the poor live rather well compared to the rest of the world, so we needn't worry much about them.  The reality, the top quintile household income rose significantly in recent decades while the lowest made no progress or lost ground. 

There's more, if you want to know.

More than half of the world lives at low income.  Few have regular jobs.  Most survive by fishing or small plot farms and flocks, perhaps a little trade and selling on the street.  They walk to the river for water.  There may not be public transportation or stores or health care nearby.

As an economy grows, it updates those rivers and footpaths and gardens with municipal water systems, city streets, and grocery stores, but living there means you pay your share of the cost.  

In any economy, if your contribution falls below that threshold, you're disenfranchised or perhaps homeless and on the street along with your family, begging.

The poverty line in the U.S. is indeed middle-income compared to the whole world.  That's because basic participation in the economy costs much more than in India or sub-Saharan Africa.  Here, if you don't have a cell-phone and a vehicle, you'll not likely be able to hold a job.  If you don't have a computer and internet, you're kids will have difficulty getting an education, and you'll have difficulty keeping up with your bills and finances.  A good diet, health care, shoes and clothes, soap and toothpaste ... making your way forward requires the ability to participate in the economy in which you live.

The GAP - The more useful measure for this issue is inequality.  When the privileged extract wealth from the economy at the expense of the rest, the result is a widening gap, or inequality.  The flow of wealth from bottom to top fosters persistent corruption in business and government, and deprivation below.  That's within a single country or economy.

Globally, countries can face the same difficulties.  There's a threshold for a country's participation in the global economy.  Poorer countries struggle and extractive trade policies are deadly.  Western countries have extracted wealth from African countries for centuries, for example, resulting in a deadly inequality and extraordinary difficulties for countries and their people.

Progress goes disproportionately to the top of the economic pyramid.  At the bottom, millions fall below the threshold for survival every year.  

Do your own inquiry - Human Development, extractive economics, and the GAP

Or look at fair trade vs. free trade, archenemies in international politics and competitive economics.  If international trade is just a competitive sport, then workers being abused and destitute isn't a problem.
Then there's the question of minimum wage vs. fair wage vs. living wage.

Change Makers and Help Bringers  -- The rich world's troubles fill our headlines, yet a more important reality is the yawning gap between the world's haves and have-nots. The average American income is 50 times that of a typical Afghan and 100 times that of a Zimbabwean. Despite two centuries of economic growth, over a billion people remain in dire poverty. We've yet a long way to go.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Protest, issues and responses

Burning flags and draft cards, protests and demonstrations.
Disrespect? Or a call to the nation for change.         
Our military veterans have earned the respect of us all. In serving,
 they offer their lives to preserve the liberty and justice we so
cherish.  More than two million served in Vietnam.  They

served with courage and at great personal cost.  Then 
  and now, they deserve our deepest appreciation.
Those who sent us there, however, were
deceptive and unjustified in their
decisions.  They mislead us.
Protest is often disruptive. The war in Vietnam brought protests that included riots and flag burning, campus demonstrations and the death of innocents.  The protests were pointedly about the need for change.  Public response was divided much like today with many attacking the 'unpatriotic' voices.

We found it difficult to separate our loyalty to country from the issues being raised.  The Vietnam war felt like a choice we had all willingly made and that we needed to uphold, but it wasn't.

From a recent conversation,
"Today's uproar reminds me of the 60's and the response to anti-war protesters. It was becoming clear, the war was devastatingly wrong, based on misrepresentation and unethical decisions. Instead of hearing the message, however, many attacked the protesters. And some died, precious young lives ended.  

And then there were those fifty-eight thousand more who died on the battlefield, those hundreds of thousands injured, those thousands more who never got over the war, a million refugees, and the two million civilians who died.  

The protest was valid.  The truth behind the war was eventually acknowledged, but it's troubling and rarely discussed."
Kaepernick and a few others take a knee in protest against modern discrimination, oppression, and death, whether at the hands of police or by prejudice and inequality, now entering its fourth generation.  It's a call to the nation for change.  
Public response today is divided with many attacking the 'unpatriotic' voices.  
The protest is valid.  The truth will perhaps eventually be acknowledged.
"Which is more troubling ...
- that a protester takes a knee during the anthem, or 

- that black teens have to be taught how to avoid being beaten or worse not if they get pulled over, but when."  
That's what the parents of black children do, did you know? (ref)(ref)(ref)(ref)(ref)

Curious; read further.

Look up Jonny Gammage for a little insight into Kaepernick's concerns.  
Or Master Sergeant Rossano V. Gerald, or Philando Castile, or other examples.
See Harsh History for more on protest and reason.  
Or The Courage of Conviction.

Our hope, perhaps, is that we would be a noble nation, understanding and slow to anger, not easily offended, not quick to judge or condemn, and wise in our decisions.  🤝

Friday, October 6, 2017

The Stunning Expression of ...

"We all know something's wrong.

At first I thought it was just me. Then I stood before twenty thousand Christian college students and asked, "How many of you have read the New Testament and wondered if we in the church are missing it?" When almost every hand went up, I felt comforted. At least I'm not crazy."   ~Francis Chan

The magnificent love of God has given us life and has commissioned us to be the light that shines in a troubled world.  We are to be the stunning expression of his love and grace, compassion and acceptance.  We are to be his voice, his hands, his open arms.

So what's life about, anyway? 

Meaningful life consists of:                                                                                     

Middle ground:                                                                                                         

Meaningless life consists of:                                                                                   

Select from the following:
loving, helping, understanding, teaching, defending, serving, movies, sitcoms, social media, sports, style, gossip, annoyance, grudges, reality shows, 40-hour week, wealth, luxury, winning, position, power, influence, reputation, and the last word

The chance of a lifetime!

If you're looking  ...

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

First memory, first understanding

Not me; just a kid in the mud.
His first memory is of sitting in the front yard, playing with some toys in the mud.

The years that follow are fascinating.  He tells us his story ...

"I watch and learn, trying to find the rhythm of this world where I live.  I observe and cooperate.  I float along with the current.  I make a conscious effort to smile, nod, stand, and perform the millions of gestures that constitute life on Earth.  I assimilate the thoughts I'm given, study the actions and choices until they become reflexes.

Why am I here?  I know there's more; this world can't be all there is.

Finally, I remember that long letter from Dad.  It arrived years ago, and I only read a little of it; I was very young at the time and the letter is really long.  So I find in the letter that this world isn't my home, and it's not all there is.  It's just school and work, and my Father has laid out a long path ahead of me with good opportunities along the way.

Nuts.  Now I have to undo all that assimilating and cooperating.  I have to dump all the 'normal' thinking I've worked so hard to learn, and I have to learn skills this world doesn't teach if I'm going to graduate.

I had a brief view of the sun and the 'real' world the other day.  Seen from the classroom window, the curtains were back and the horizon was just visible in the distance.

Flooding it all was this blazing light that somehow filled out everything it touched.  Nothing soft and gentle about it, it was powerful enough to shake me to the core as I stood watching.  That's probably why the curtains aren't open all the time; we'd never get any work done."

Sunday, October 1, 2017

The Courage of Conviction

The problem with having a conscience is that there's a price.

A sixth-grader found an article in the library about cruelty to animals. She studied it through, how animals were treated by the food industry, how they were bred and raised for the slaughterhouse.  It troubled her; soon she made a choice and became a vegetarian.  There was a price.

She walked her path alone, mostly, with no such awareness among her friends.  She was teased regularly for her choice.  She became stronger as the days and years passed.  There were many choices about life and purpose that followed, every issue and personal value, each affected by conscience and courage.  As an adult now, her life reflects an unusual depth and breadth of character and conviction.  A healthy conscience will affect life-actions every day.  As it should, of course. Every day.

Opinions and anger are common in conversation, but thoughtful life-change based on conscience is perhaps less so.  If you live according to personal convictions, it will include personal sacrifice.  Your life must change rather regularly, and the common pathway is not an option.

The world around us has changed over the years and without much thought, just humankind following appetites and desire for personal gain.  It's been doing that since the earliest times.  Most of us and our children have been carried along by change whether we noticed or not.

If, however, we choose to live guided by conscience, we'll find some interesting upheavals along the way to freedom.
- Clinging to wealth and luxury will change, perhaps to generosity and simplicity.
- Our focus on us (our in-crowd or race, our party or country) will expand to see more, perhaps all of humanity.
- Judging others will change to self-awareness, a real world-view, as justice rises above prejudice and preference.
- Oh, and learning will blossom, often fed by folks with opinions different than ours.
- There will be less anger and more laughing, more joy and fewer regrets.

If anything about our life looks normal, perhaps it could benefit from another look.
Dear Lord and Father of mankind,
Forgive our foolish ways!
Reclothe us in our rightful mind,
In purer lives Thy service find,
In deeper reverence, praise.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Why It Works the Way It Does

From American history - and today ...

In our earliest years, survival was the primary task for everyone.  Getting established as productive communities, working out trade arrangements and skilled artisanry, such things occupied more than a century.  Everybody was focused on making it from year to year.  There were a few wealthy and privileged, but most were working hard, building their homes and barns, tending crops and herds, and watching out for each other.

Then came taxation from a distant sovereign.  It began in 1733 with a tax on sugar, and things went downhill from there. Across the colonial communities, the accumulating taxes and trade restrictions were viewed as unjust oppression.


It perhaps made perfect sense to the British ruling class to balance the empire's budget by extracting wealth from the colonies, but it was a crippling burden.  As the colonial population increased from a few hundred thousand to 2.5 million, their ability to resist came to the front, and revolution followed.

With a similar story, there were slaves in the colonies; by 1800, slaves were one-fifth of the population, and revolution followed.  The slave revolution in Haiti (1791-1804) succeeded.  The slave uprising in New Orleans, 1811, failed, and the rebels were hanged.  The slave revolt in Jamaica, 1831, resulted in a thousand deaths and the eventual abolition of slavery in the British Empire, 1833.  ... and there was our own civil war.

There were 20+ slave rebellions and insurrections in North America during the 16th-19th centuries.  A pattern, perhaps.  Today, while only 13% of Americans are black, they are 40% of our prison population.  While the issue is complex, we do know that inequality and oppression are effective provocation for antisocial actions.

Why it works - the majority shrugs off problems faced by the minority.

If most folks feel that they're doing well enough, they'll be unwilling to rock the boat or let anyone else do it.  They don't want to risk any loss.  The fact that the bottom 20% on the economic ladder are unwillingly trapped in poverty and oppression is not enough reason to tip the balance.

No one wants to lose what they've got.  It seems reasonable to hold on to the status quo, and those down there at the bottom of the ladder are almost invisible anyway.  Besides, any disruption can be a long-term disaster.  The American revolution disrupted culture and economics for decades.  France and Europe followed suit, and recovery took most of a century.

Class discrimination and oppression - personal or institutional - we know why it works.  Selfishness, greed, and fear of loss are the motivations that can override principles of justice and equality.  Everyone fights that battle in their heart.

Some countries do better than others with issues
of inequality, poverty, opportunity and mobility.

Preferential opportunity
 remains the norm today, and the gap widens.  Some countries do better than others.  The helpful discussion, rather than 'why it works' would be 'how to end it'.

See it.
For the privileged,
- they never go hungry.
- they never go without healthcare.
- they never worry about kids finishing school.
- there will always be enough for them and their children.
- there will always be a way forward.

For the unprivileged, none of those apply.
- obstacles appear on every path.
- it takes more guts to be a black businesswoman than a white businessman.
- it takes more strength to be an inner-city teen with character than to be a suburban teen who just cruises through.
- finishing school is a huge uphill climb.
- healthy parenting is almost impossible.

End it: 
  • It takes a magnificent family to raise thoughtful children these days when most are swept along by materialism and commercialization, entertainment, and conformity, all the public norm.
    • Be deliberate, proactive, spell it out, discuss it face to face.
  • It takes a skilled team to assist a community in developing school programs, agricultural practices, and effective health skills.
    • Find those with good programs and transparency, and join in, all the way in.
  • It takes personal effort and inquiry to understand the reality of discrimination and injustice.  
    • Do the work.  Get a legitimate worldview.  Become a critical thinker and immune to the media rhetoric.  Speak clearly.
  • It takes a gathering of sincere, good-hearted folks to form a common understanding of what's just, what's true, and to serve well.  
    • Find them and join them; be a contributor to the work and the vision for change.
Can the church be a centerpiece in changing things?  Of course it can, and it should be.  You are the church; make it so.

Update from a friend:  "You gave your LIFE to God, and that includes everything you care about: your position in society, the food on your table, and the flag you love. Trust Him to defend it, and go back to the ministry of reconciliation you were called to, showing yourself humble, and quick to listen/slow to speak (James 1). Reach out in love to those trying to represent the oppressed (YOUR JOB Prov 31).
Or else renounce God and get on with all the ugly name-calling and rejection I am seeing across Facebook today. Pick ONE."