Wednesday, January 20, 2016

How hard can it be?

Thinking outside the box.  What box?

If your ask your daughter, she might point out how we consume at a rate we can't support.  Or how we've reduced ocean fish populations to a point that they'll take a century to recover (by best estimates), but only if we quit over-fishing.  She'll see our generation as responsible.

Your granddaughter might point out that those animals she so admires are endangered along with their habitats.  That's troublesome, and it's a battle between conservationists and monied interests.  She'll see our generation as responsible.

Then there's your dad.  He might point out that he'd paid the price to defend your freedom, your chance to change the world for the better.  He will see our generation as the one where economic inequality began to infect the entire world financial system.

And grandpa; he survived the market collapse and the Great Depression.  He'll point out that the lessons learned there were all discarded by our generation.  Our extraordinarily interconnected business world now overshadows governments and national policy.

At the bottom of the world economy, folks who live a basic existence are hard pressed.  In Africa, friends struggle to get by with a few goats and perhaps a breeding pair of camels in Djibouti, a family garden and a sailing dugout for fishing on the Gulf of Guinea, a small maize crop in Kenya.

There is a silver lining, perhaps.  Our poorest friends have a chance of surviving.  If the global economy follows the predictions, when the collapse comes, maybe it's the rich people (the developed world) who will starve first.  You have to wonder.

Those are challenges we face; ours to change or to leave for others.
Are any important issues being reasonably addressed by today's candidates for office?
How hard can it be?

There is no box.
Business isn't as usual.  It's evolving as rapidly as technology.
Finance isn't as usual.  It's reshaping the marketplace.
Parenting isn't as usual.  There are new issues.
Relationships -- okay, relationships are still the centerpiece of life, but ...
Family isn't as usual.  Culture seems to be eroding some of the important parts.
Right and wrong haven't changed, but many folks seem to think otherwise.
That's the world our children have to deal with, and we need to equip them for it.

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