Friday, January 22, 2016

Church isn't for me ...

Really?  Church services and such are great, but is it for me?  Just lots of pew sitting?

All these apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers ... are for equipping us for our work serving others.  (That's what it says in the book.)  And if I'm not equipped yet, just how long is it supposed to take anyway ...
As my wife points out, the purpose of church and teaching are perhaps mostly for the younger folks, to help them get their lives on track and their work begun.  She says us older folks don't go to church to 'get' but to 'give'.  

It raises a question about growing up.  Do we understand that while development and learning are continuous, those are not the purpose; they're the means. Surprisingly enough, the best of life seems to show up when we're involved with some good work.

Tremendous challenge and change filled our early years as is typical, and contrary to our expectation, it continues.  There's plenty of real stuff to do along the way.  That's where the fun really starts.  I.e., joy, love, grace, strength, plus the adventure, etc.

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