Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Walkout

This is Nick Cannon.  His mother got off the abortion table and walked out, sparing his life.

Cannon told his story in a music video entitled, “Can I Live?” which has been credited with saving the lives of many unborn children.

Then there's Christina Marie Bennett.  She almost died as an unborn child. Her mother paid for an abortion but walked out of the doctor's office after a janitor told her God would give her the strength to have her baby.
       It was over a decade ago that I stood in the bathroom while my mom struggled to find the words to speak. “You’ll hate me,” she said. “I can’t tell you, because you’ll hate me.”
      “I would never hate you,” I replied. The look in her eyes revealed she wasn’t convinced. I was in my early 20’s, home for a visit from college and looking for answers. I certainly wasn’t pro-life at the time.
       Only months before, a prophetic minister gave me a word that something special happened when I was born. When I asked my mom about it, she said: “I met an angel.”
From Christina's website bio ... Outside pressures and inner anxieties lead her (Christina's mom) to schedule an abortion. She met with a hospital counselor who assured her she was making the right choice. As she sat for a moment in the hallway, an African-American janitor saw her crying and approached her. ‘Do you want to have this baby,' she asked?  When my mother said yes, the janitor replied, 'then God will give you the strength.' After the janitor's encouragement, the doctor called my mother into his office. She told him she changed her mind and wanted to leave. To her dismay, the doctor demanded she stay, insisting it was too late and telling her she had to go through with the abortion. With strength from above, my mom walked out. ... Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, ‘Our lives begin to die the day we become silent about things that matter’.  I'm alive today because a stranger refused to be silent.
Then there's Kimberly Henderson.  Apparently she's famous; her video (right, called 'Tiny Hearts') had millions of views in the first week.  She spent seven hours in an abortion clinic, but walked out deciding not to sign the final consent form.  It's a moderately miraculous story, and that's her baby girl there in her arms, the result of her decision.  

How should we process such information?

For some further thoughts, see Life, Abortion, and Conscience